


Guest Post: The Joy of Movement

Kelly McGonigal's book "The Joy of Movement" brings light to the many ways movement and exercise affect the human condition. From feeling better to physical strength, she uses case studies and anecdotes to show the power of movement. Following is an excerpt from the read that hits particularly close to home for us at Jazzercise.

6 Ways to Crush Your 2020 Goals

Who needs New Year’s resolutions when you can create kinder, healthier habits that last a lifetime? Instead of setting hard-to-keep resolutions, focus on these six ways to become the best, healthiest version of you yet. 

5 Secrets for Staying Fit During the Holidays

Your calendar is about to get jam-packed with potlucks, parties and holiday recitals, but we’ve got a few tips and tricks to help you stay on track with your workouts and navigate all of those holiday treats. Here are five tips to staying fit during the holidays.

How to Squeeze in Your Workout Over Summer Vacation

Summer months can be hectic, but that doesn't mean you should skip your workout! Try these calorie-burning activities you can do at home like gardening, housework and combining several mini workouts to stay in shape this summer.

Real Talk: How One Woman Got Fit and Found Her Confidence

As soon as we saw Margaux McGlasson’s incredible story we just knew we had to share it with you. We hope you find her as inspirational and motivational as we do!

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